Succession Planning Practices and Employee Retention: Mediating Role of Career Attitudes


  • Ealiya Batool
  • Syed Aamir Alam Rizvi


Practices of succession planning might be regarded the backbone of an organization's retention strategy. In order to boost employee productivity and excitement, succession planning and career planning are intertwined. The objective of the study is to determine effective Succession Planning Practices towards Employee Retention in telecommunication sector of Pakistan using mediating effect of Career Attitude. A sample strategy based on convenience was utilized. A total number of 392 completed surveys were received. After missing data was removed, a total of 363 questionnaires were available for data analysis. After the information assortment, measurable tests were led to assess the information experimentally. SPSS 21 was utilized. Structural Equation Model (SEM) was directed involving Partial Least Square as it gives more prescient precision to examine the information. Partial Least Square was utilized, by utilizing Smart PLS 3. Findings illustrate the impact of succession planning procedures on retention strategy. HR managers are well known for determining potential future leader of the team. This study can potentially be used by the telecommunications industry to improve succession planning methods in order to keep individuals focused on their careers.




How to Cite

Batool, E., USMANI, S., & Alam Rizvi, S. A. . (2022). Succession Planning Practices and Employee Retention: Mediating Role of Career Attitudes . CITY UNIVERSITY RESEARCH JOURNAL, 12(2). Retrieved from