Role of Entrepreneurship Education in Poverty Alleviation: Mediating by Entrepreneurial Intention
The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of entrepreneurship education on poverty alleviation mediating by entrepreneurial intention. In doing so, we employee bootstrap procedure as suggested by (Hayes, 2013). Further, the data has been collected through a self-administered questionnaire among participants using simple random sampling. The results revealed that entrepreneurship education has an insignificant influence on poverty reduction, however, a significant indirect effect has been observed. Moreover, entrepreneurial skills show a significant both direct and indirect effect on poverty alleviation. Hence, a full mediation of entrepreneurial intention has been observed in relationship of entrepreneurship education and poverty alleviation, whereas, for entrepreneurial skills and poverty alleviation it is partial mediation. The study is first of its kind to analyze the influence of entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurship skills on poverty alleviation mediating by entrepreneurial intention. The paper has drawn attention to some dynamic aspects that are relevant to policy and revealed some areas of interest for further exploration.
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