Discovering the Mediating Role of Electronic-Word of Mouth between Consumers’ Attitude and Purchase behaviors
This study empirically investigates the antecedents of the consumers’ attitude towards social media advertising and the subsequent mediating role of intention to engage in electronic word of mouth (eWOM) between consumers’ attitude towards social media advertising and purchase behavior. A total sample of 320 respondents were selected to investigate the relationship through a structured questionnaire. The antecedents of the consumers’ attitude towards social media advertising involved in the study were corporate reputation, perceived entertainment, incentive offering and perceived intrusiveness. The former three reflected a significant and positive impact on the consumers’ attitudes while perceived intrusiveness has established a negative effect. The mediator e-WOM behavior was also found to be significantly and positively mediating the relationship between consumers’ attitude and purchase behavior. It can be deduced that organizations that rely on social media advertising may make use of the critical antecedents that shape the individual consumer’s attitude and result in enhancing the purchase behavior of the consumers.
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