The present study focusses on input-use efficiency analysis of commercial broiler poultry farming in Peshawar Valley-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. A total of 105 sample broiler poultry farms were selected through random sampling technique. Data from 105 farms for 483 flocks were collected through interview schedule. The empirical results of the log-transformed function show that at 5% probability level, cost of day-old chicks, feed, flushing, labour, rent and miscellaneous cost has a positive and significant effect on the quantity of broiler poultry production as these variables turned out to be significant, while at the same probability level, cost of medicare has a negative and insignificant effect on the quantity of broiler poultry production as this variable turned out to be insignificant. The results of efficiency analysis of input showed that some inputs were overutilized while the others were underutilized. The efficiency indicators for poultry feed (0.46) and for medicare (-20.45) showed that poultry feed and medicare were overutilized and inefficiently used whereas day-old chick (2.09), flushing (636.11), labour (56.16) rent (695.15) and miscellaneous (320.81) were under-utilized which may be due to lack of experience of the sampled farmers. It is recommended that in the case of feed and medicare, the broiler farmers need to decrease the use of these over-utilized inputs while in the case of day old-chicks, labour, rent, and miscellaneous costs, the broiler farmers require to increase the use of these inputs for efficient and optimum utilization of inputs. Key Words: Efficiency Analysis, Over-utilized, Under-utilized, Peshawar ValleyReferences
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