The impact of employee engagement on the job performance by the mediating role of creativity: The moderating role of leader-member exchange
Purpose- The objective of the study is to analyze the impact of employee engagement on the job performance in order to test whether creativity mediates the relationship between employee engagement and job performance as well as to analyze the moderating role of Leader-Member exchange (LMX). Design- The research sample consists of 150 respondents working in Advertising Agencies, IT Departments and Events management Organizations of twin cities of Pakistan (Rawalpindi and Islamabad). The questionnaire included established measures related to employee engagement, job performance, creativity and LMX. Multiple regression and bootstrapping methods were employed in the analysis of the data. Findings- The findings showed a significant positive effect of employee engagement on job performance. Mediation analysis shows that creativity partially mediates the relationship between engagement and performance, while moderation analysis shows that LMX does not moderate the relationship between creativity and performance. Scope- The study extended previous research and the external validity of the findings were ensured by investigating the relationship between engagement and performance. It will help the policy managers to ensure the employee engagement and its implication in order to increase the performance over the job.References
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