Customers’ Loyalty through Healthcare Quality; Mediating Role of Customers’ Commitment: A Comparative Study of Public and Private Hospitals
The core ambition of present work is to gage Customers’ opinion of healthcare quality, Customers’ loyalty and commitment in the hospitals of Peshawar. Data were collected from the hospitalized customers and from customers recently availed the health services of various public and private hospitals. The reliability and validity of the data were confirmed through Cronbach’s alpha and confirmatory factor analysis respectively. Hypotheses of the study were tested through path analysis via AMOS. Finding discovered that healthcare quality has a substantial influence on Customers’ loyalty. The mediating effect of Customers’ commitment was also tested between the association of service quality and Customers’ loyalty. Findings disclosed that customer’s commitment completely intervenes the link of healthcare quality and Customers’ loyalty. Furthermore, independent sample t-test was performed to investigate the variance in the perception of Customers’ regarding public and private healthcare quality, Customers’ commitment and loyalty. Finding clarified that Customers’ perception of healthcare quality, Customers’ loyalty and commitment is higher in private than public hospitals of Peshawar. The outcomes of the present research may be useful to the management of the health care, that it provides the importance of service quality in enhancing Customers’ commitment and loyalty.
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