Job insecurity (JIS) becomes one of the most serious threats to employees, organization and top management. But it is not yet explored in its full spectrum in Pakistan, and seeking the attention of academician as well as behavioral scientists. The current research study try to find out the impact of Job Insecurity and employees attitudinal (Emotional Exhaustion, cynicism, and turnover) response through meditational effect of Psychological contract breach (PCB) and Perceived control (PC), moderating effect of Trust in management (TRS) and moderating mediating effect of boundary less career Orientation (BCO) in the pharmaceutical sector of Pakistan. The relationship is based upon the theoretical basis of Appraisal Theory as well as Conservation of Resource Theory. For this purpose data was collected from sales promotion officers from national and multinational pharmaceutical companies in southern region of KPK. Data was obtained through adapted construct from the sample of 224 respondents. Obtained response was analyzed through standard statistical procedures via SPSS.Mediation, moderation and moderating meditational effect was analyzed through Preacher and Hayes SPSS macros. Findings indicate that with increase in perception of JIS, employee’s emotional Exhaustion, cynicism and burnout attitude and TRI also increased. Results further validate the previous models of Vander Elst et al (2016); Charkabi(2017), Saif and Ullah (2018) during the analysis phase for moderation, mediation effect. Results evident that PC acts as a stronger mediator in comparison to PCB. While Trust did not evident any buffering impact between JIS and outcomes, while BCO state that it significantly moderate the mediating effect between PCB and TRI.The study open new vistas of research to inculcate the psychological, mental and physical impact of JIS in different departments across the Pakistan. The current study is helpful for the top management of pharmaceutical sector employees to design strategies that become helpful to the intangible asset (workforce).
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