Effect of Export Market Environment Turbulence on Firm’s Export Performance: The Mediating Role of Firm’s Strategic Orientation Capabilities


  • Muhammad Abdullah Khan Niazi PhD Scholar Institute of Management Sciences, Hayatabad, Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Usman Ghani Associate Professor, Institute of management sciences, Peshawar
  • Sadia Aziz Assistant professor, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University, Peshawar


The complex and turbulent export environment has changed the level of competition and exporting firms are now becoming proactive to the environmental change in export markets. Thus, this study aims to see the effect of export environment turbulence including technological, market and competitive turbulence on the strategic orientation including market, marketing and innovation orientation. The formation of conceptual framework has its roots in contingency theory and RBV. Further research has explored the mediating effect of strategic orientation between export environment turbulence and export performance. Data was collected from textile firms registered with the Pakistan Textile Exporters Association (PTEA) in Pakistan. First, the direct effect of environment turbulence on strategic orientation was analyzed and then the mediating role of strategic orientation between environment turbulence and export performance was assessed. The results of the study show a significant direct effect of technological, market and competitive turbulence on market orientation, marketing orientation, and innovation orientation. Further, all the mediation results for strategic orientation are significant except mediation of market orientation between technological turbulence and export performance. This study has significantly contributed in the current literature by converging internal competences and external forces through the lens of contingency theory and RBV. Finally, findings of the research have highlighted the role of strategic orientation capabilities of the firm to achieve high export performance.


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How to Cite

Niazi, M. A. K., Ghani, U., & Aziz, S. (2019). Effect of Export Market Environment Turbulence on Firm’s Export Performance: The Mediating Role of Firm’s Strategic Orientation Capabilities. CITY UNIVERSITY RESEARCH JOURNAL, 9(2). Retrieved from https://cusitjournals.com/index.php/CURJ/article/view/190


