Digital Archives
Digital Archives
CURJ publications are deposited in and available from multiple digital archives around the world. To guarantee long-term digital preservation, content published in CURJ is deposited in the following archives.
Non-for-profit dark archive which stores all CURJ content. If content is no longer available from any participating publisher, then CLOCKSS is able to make this available as open access.
The LOCKSS is a peer-to-peer network that develops and supports an open source system allowing libraries to collect, preserve and provide their readers with access to material published on the Web. CURJ all published contents are deposited and stores in LOCKSS.
PKP has developed the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) to digitally preserve OJS journals. The PKP PN ensures that journals that are not part of any other digital preservation can be preserved for long-term access. CURJ all published contents are preserved automatically in PKP (PN).