The Impact of Psychological Empowerment on Innovative Work Behavior: The Mediating Effect of Knowledge Sharing


  • imran siddiqui Aluminai
  • Muhammad Aleem Assistant Professor & Head of Department, Management Sciences, CECOS University IT & Emerging Sciences, Peshawar
  • Abid Ahmad


The current research reflects intention in evaluating the influence of psychological empowerment on innovative work behavior while simultaneously exploring the  mediating function of sharing knowledge behavior in this connection. Quantitative data was gathered using a cross-sectional approach. A theoretical model that links psychological empowerment, innovative work practices, and knowledge sharing as a mediating variable is developed and evaluated in the study. Data was gathered from academic staff members working at private universities in Peshawar using well-structured questionnaires. The study's findings show that academic staff empowerment psychologically influences their ability to think creatively at work, especially when knowledge sharing acts as a mediating factor. These findings have significance for higher education institutions (HEIs) looking to empower their academic staff psychologically in order to tap into their inventive capacities.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Aleem , Assistant Professor & Head of Department, Management Sciences, CECOS University IT & Emerging Sciences, Peshawar

Assistant Professor  & Head of Department, Management Sciences,

CECOS University IT & Emerging Sciences, Peshawar

Abid Ahmad

Assistant Professor. University of Buner




How to Cite

siddiqui, imran, Aleem , M., & Ahmad, A. (2023). The Impact of Psychological Empowerment on Innovative Work Behavior: The Mediating Effect of Knowledge Sharing. CITY UNIVERSITY RESEARCH JOURNAL, 13(2), 306–323. Retrieved from


