The study explores Afghan patriarchal ideology and norms and questionsrules and traditions laid down by patriarchal society in the context of Afghanistan in Khaled Hosseini's And the Mountains Echoed (2013). The study is qualitative in nature which uses patriarchy and inequality, developed byMary Becker (1999) as a theoretical framework. Men are described as naturally active, strong, dominant and logical in the novel, while females are shown as emotional, passive, talkative and foolish in the novel. Moreover, the study highlights how women are subjugated and oppressed socially, politically and economically. Hossieni tries to reject the stereotypical portrayal given to women by society defying the traditional role assigned on the basis of genders. Women are shown as weak and dependent on male, who neither enjoy freedom of expression nor they have any career option to work independently. Furthermore, the study shows how women questionsthe assigned roles imposed upon them by patriarchs to lift their voice in matters of their lives for their liberation and free will. Hossieni discards the idea of men as naturally active, strong, dominant and logical and the stereotypical portrayal of women as weak, fickle, and responsive to sex is questioned in the selected novel. Key words: Patriarchy, inequality, gender, Khalid Hossieni, And The Mountain Echoed.References
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