Deviant Pronunciation of English Consonants by Hindko Speakers of Peshawar
The distinctive phonological features of a language and the intelligibility of the speakers have a deeper relationship. Hindko speakers of English consider their pronunciation as a barrier in fluent communication during their interaction with others in English. The current study explores the influence of different phonological features of Hindko on the pronunciation of English consonants. For this purpose, a sample of ten Hindko speaking grade Eleven girls (belonging to the city circle of Peshsawar) (domiciled in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa province) as the learners of English participated in the current study. The process of data collection included reading material, observation sheet and a tape recorder to collect the Data regarding the incorrect pronunciation of English consonant sounds by the Hindko speaking Grade Eleven girls. The researcher, being a teacher of English, herself recorded the readings of students and used that recording for Data collection purpose after getting the informed consent of the participants. The analysis of findings signified that those consonants which were absent in Hindko language but were present in English Language appeared to be difficult for the Hindko speakers of English. Moreover, the non-native consonants of Hindko also caused difficulties in pronunciation for Hindko speakers of English. The findings also revealed that there is a considerable role of L1 in the pronunciation of Hindko speakers of English.References
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