
  • Faiza Khurshid Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University Peshawar


AbstractThis study analyzed Pakistani cooking oil advertisements from a critical discourse analysis point of view. The study mainly analyzed the language used in the cooking oil advertisements and the techniques used by the advertisers to attract consumers. The study is based on Fairclough three dimensional model. A qualitative research was conducted on ten cooking oil advertisements taken from ARY digital channel. It demonstrates how far are Pakistani food advertisements successful in constructing and promoting social relationships and a system of cultural belief to break the gender stereotypes. The findings showed that advertisers use different strategies and linguistic choices to influence the consumers. The advertisements analyzed in this study promote the gender stereotype identity of women as socially suppressed and overburdened with responsibilities of their houses and families. The finding also indicated that both the famous and infamous Pakistani cooking oil advertisements convey the same ideas and promote the same social relations and identities.

Author Biography

Faiza Khurshid, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University Peshawar

Student of English department


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