Nexus between Digital Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurs’ Innovative Predisposition with the Moderating Role of Social Capital
To cope with the challenges of the digital era, entrepreneurs hunted a novel version of entrepreneurship i.e. digital entrepreneurship. Digital entrepreneurship is the process of hunting opportunities by using the digital technologies and information communication technologies (ICTs) for launching startups and revolutionizing existing corporations. Aim of the current research is to find out the moderating role of social capital in the relationship of digital entrepreneurship with entrepreneurs’ innovative predisposition. Researcher collected primary data (cross-sectional) from the digital entrepreneurs of Pakistan by distributing well-structured developed and adapted questionnaire. Current study applied various descriptive (Normality, Reliability, Factor Analysis) and inferential tests (Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation, Hierarchical Multiple Regression and Test of Significance) to analyze the phenomenon. Results elaborated that the instrument used for data collection is reliable, valid and the data collected through the scale is normal. Results also revealed that there is significant relationship among digital entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs’ innovative predisposition and social capital. Furthermore, it is revealed that there is significant influence of digital entrepreneurship on entrepreneurs’ innovative predisposition. Analysis also identifies that social capital does act as enhancing moderator in between predictor and criterion variable. It is concluded from the findings of the study that digital entrepreneurship plays an important role in improving the innovative predisposition of entrepreneurs that are pivotal for the economic growth of the region as well as country. So, this study contributes in actor network theory by inclusion of social capital as moderator and analyzed its effect on relationship of digital entrepreneurship with entrepreneurs’ innovative predisposition to make decisions for the betterment of digital entrepreneurs and society.ВReferences
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