Training Needs Assessment and Training Effectiveness in Government Training Institutes of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of TNA on training effectiveness and explore the moderation effect of training framing on the relationship of TNA, employees learning, employees’ motivation and employees’ commitment. Data has been collected from 635 respondents of KPK government employees working in BPS-17 and above who have successfully completed training in last two years. Structural equation modeling technique has been used from data analysis. Findings revealed that TNA, employees’ learning, employees’ motivation and employees’ commitment have positive association with training effectiveness, while training framing moderate only the relationship between employee commitment and training effectiveness. This study is first study in the target departments with a large sample size. The study is expected to help researchers to understand the relationship in more depth and for further exploring these variables in other settings and with different combinations. The results are also expected to help policy makers, administrators and practitioners regarding important factors of training system and get maximum output of invested resources. Future studies may look into these relationships from qualitative perspectives to delve deep into strength of the subject relationship.
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