Employee performance (EP) is one of the foremost concerns of an organization therefore; all HRD practices are aimed at improving the performance of employees including training and development (T&D) programs. In Pakistan, healthcare organizations mainly hospitals are focusing on continuing education and training of their nursing staff through several technical and non-technical training programs. The management misperceives the outcomes of training and development programs, believing that training and development directly influences the employee performance, whereas, the results are different. Despite of extensive training programs running at Shifa Hospital Islamabad, performance do not seem to improve. It is thus, the primary aim of this research is to establish a critical path from T&D programs to EP. In order to test the proposed hypothesized relationship, a quantitative cross-sectional study was carried out through a survey questionnaire, data was collected from 201 nurses working in different departments of the Shifa hospital. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS 21. Kris Preacher and Andrew Hayes mediation-moderation analysis model was used to test the direct and indirect effects. The results show a positive and significant relation between T&D programs and EP. A mediating effect of Individual Learning (IL) is also found but the moderating effect of Affective Commitment (AC) is found to be insignificant between T&D programs and IL but found significant between IL and EP. The research results helped in establishing a critical path between T&D programs and EP. Findings of this research are useful for researchers, organizational management, human resource department and practitioners, training and development departments, training providers, organizational policy makers and quality assurance department.References
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