This study explores the relationship between Employee’s Readiness to change (ER) and employee’s Engagement (EE) with mediating effect of Employees Satisfaction (ES) and a moderating effect of Employee’s Fear of Change on Employees Satisfaction. The data was collected from the middle level managers of telecom sector of Pakistan. Data was analyzed through structural equation modelling employing two-step method i.e. Measurement Model and Structural Model. Utilizing Kurt Lewin’s three step model, this study found that readiness for change (unfreezing) creates satisfaction with change (moving) which then fosters employee engagement (refreezing). However, this study adds to the knowledge by suggesting the boundary conditions between readiness for change and satisfaction with change such that relationship of readiness for change and satisfaction with change is stronger when fear of change is lower rather than higher. This study is unique such that it has considered fear of change and satisfaction with change in relationship between readiness and engagement with change. Secondly this study has collected data from telecom sector of Pakistan which is under the constant structural changes due to variety of economic, and technological aspects. This study also suggests important implications for theory and practice.
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