Service quality a password of students satisfaction An application of hesqual model
Service quality (SQ) is a pass word of students’ satisfaction. It is considered the most significant factor in determining students’ satisfaction and also defining the success or failure of higher education industry. To survive in the highly competitive market, it is more apparent for universities to understand the needs of students. In order to achieve competitive position in the higher education industry, it is significant for universities to realize the service quality (SQ) dimensions that are perceived as most significant by students. The purpose of the present research study to finds out the relationship between SQ dimensions and students’ satisfaction. A structure questionnaire was adapted to investigate SQ in higher education sector in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The data was obtained from 384 respondents of 28 universities. The collected data was examined with the help of SPSS and AMOS to investigate SQ and students satisfaction. The Factor-Analysis and Parallel-Analysis were also used for the factorization of data. The SEM technique was applied for the testing of hypotheses. The CFI, GFI, RMSEA and SRMR indices were used for the model fit. The findings of the research revealed that dimension core educational-quality is the most significant dimension of SQ that estimates 0.562 changes in students’ satisfaction.
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