Talent Management Practices, Psychological Empowerment and Innovative Work Behavior: Moderating Role of Knowledge Sharing
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of talent management practices (TMP) on employees’ innovative work behavior (IWB) of public sector universities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan with the mediating effect of psychological empowerment (PE) of employees and moderation of knowledge sharing (KS). The study used survey method approach by using the questionnaire for the collection of data and utilized the results for investigating the issue in public sector universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan. The quantitative data was collected by using the structured questionnaire designed with the help of previous studies. The outcomes of this study show that TMP enhances IWB of employees. Moreover, the mediating role of PE and moderating role of KS in the relationship between TMP and IWB is also confirmed. This paper specifically contributed in the existing knowledge in the domain of KS and innovative behavior by presenting an empirical model for considering TMP as an important element. As assumed, TMP, PE and KS are positively related to IWB of employees working in the public sector universities located in the KP. The limitation of the current study is that it only provides data and information about public sector universities operating in KP-Pakistan. By the addition of private sector universities located in the province of KP, this study could have more comprehensive results and outcomes.
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